The Band-Aid Analogy

In a speech yesterday to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Kansas City, President Bushmill had the gaul to compare Iraq to Vietnam in an effort to attack critics of his war. It would be laughable if so many people weren't dying because of this idiot.
Basically the entire Bush Crime Family and Cheney neocon-men argument for staying in Iraq boils down to this: if we leave, things are going to get worse.
And you know what? For once, they are right about something. Of course things are going to get worse -- at first. If and when the United States leaves, there will be a vacumn of military power and control, and chaotic violence will follow as various competing groups grapple to fill the vacumn.
Relatively quickly, however, a pecking order of power will be established, and once that happens, the violence will start to subside. Al Queda will be rooted out by sectarian forces and then those sectarian forces will claim and clean out their own cities and territories, and probably within two years, Iraq will have reached a point of functioning equilibrium. Just like Vietnam did.
Here's the simplest analogy Page A-26 can provide:
Getting out of Iraq is going to be like pulling a band-aid off of an open wound: you can pull it off slow, or you can rip it off fast. Either way it's going to hurt, but if you rip it off fast, the pain is over in an instant and the process of feeling better can begin immediately. If you pull it off slow, it draws out the pain and often makes a huge, bloody mess. If you leave it on indefinitely, the wound festers and gets worse.
The bottom line is that Bushmill and his lying enablers are simply trying to confuse and bully the American public into believing that the surge and Bush's larger Iraq strategy are working. In 2004, when Ted Kennedy likened the Iraq conflict to Vietnam -- and not in a good way like Bushmill sees it -- the Bush Crime Family and Cheney neocon-men were appauled that Kennedy would dare invoke the haunting specter of Vietnam.
It really is hard to keep up with these immoral, lying bastards, but we have to keep trying. Otherwise, they will completely rewrite history with their disgusting, distorted views.
Labels: Bush Crime Family, Cheney neocon-men, Iraq, President Bushmill
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