The Guns of Avarice

Well look-ee there, a whole bunch of guns went missing in Iraq.
Where did those guns get to? To our new friends, the Sunni insurgent groups? Or our old friends, the Shia-dominated central government? Or our forgotten friends, the Kurds? Or their mortal enemies the Turks? Oceania or Eurasia? All of the above?
Stand by for lots of finger pointing and "cannot recall" moments as Cheney's neocon-men play musical chairs with the truth before finally pinning the entire blame on some supply sergeant in Kuwait who got a case of Budweiser for rubber stamping some phony forms.
Who is in charge of the show over there? Who's been running the show the entire time? Who has lied about every facet of the war from its premise to its ultimate objective, from Abu Ghraib to Jessica Lynch? What shred of credibility or qualifications do they have? When will the real culprits -- the ones setting the policies and doin' the decidin' -- ever be held accountable for their crimes?
Did the guns ever exist at all?
Or was it all just on paper? A financial transfer made "official" with some bogus documentation and sealed away from public knowledge with executive privilege? After all, what's more lucrative to a profiteering multinational than a no-bid contract for goods and services that don't exist. It's just pure cash flow. In the world of Bush, oversight doesn't exist, so who would ever know or care?
It's just part of the ongoing draining of the US Treasury by the corporatist military/industrial complexians that run this country and the world. Why did the damn bridge collapse in Minneapolis? Ask Haliburton, Raytheon, Blackwater, Bechtel, Honeywell, Boeing, Northrup-Gruman. Better yet, ask their executives, their shareholders, and the financial services companies that raked in billions -- they're the ones that got your damn money, take it up with them!
As for the guns, this much is certain: there was no bungling by an inefficient government bureaucracy with layers of fatty pork that doesn't know how to do anything right and buys $800 toilet seats. Those guns, if they ever existed, went right to who Cheney and his boys wanted them to go to (ahem, private contractors [Blackwater]).
Missing guns? There's no missing guns.
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