Terror Alert Level: Exposed!

Does it not strike anybody else as peculiar that this bridge collapses out of nowhere in Minneapolis and the word "terrorism" merits barely a whisper from either the lips of politicians or Main Stream Media (MSM)?
Somehow the entire nation is nearly thrown into martial law over a block of cheese and some dry ice in some lady's luggage at the airport, yet a completely unexplained bridge collapse is immediately diagnosed as ABT -- anything but terrorism. It's almost as if the word has been immediately put out to all MSM that this story is going to play as infrastructure decay and bureaucratic inefficiency through and through. Right? That's all Page A-26 has heard this described as, yet as far as we know, not a single investigation has been completed or preliminary report released. The FBI was dispatched -- to "look for possible evidence of problems such as shoddy construction or faulty materials." But it definitely was not terrorism. Or conservative/Republican economic policy designed specifically to weaken and ineffectualize the government.

Pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the terror alert system and this Administration's manipulation of terror and the MSM for its own ends. Apparently, the MSM is not capable or willing to independently raise the issue of terrorism; instead, it must wait for its marching orders from the likes of Karl Rove and Tony Snow.
And in this case, no effort has been made on behalf of the Administration to raise the bloody terror flag. Why not?
As happened after 9/11, all stories in the immediate aftermath are the same -- in this case focusing on local blame-fixing and acts of heroism. Cue the shiny objects.
So how can an event like the Minneapolis bridge collapse occur without tripping sending the Terror Alert Level to 11? Why would the Bush Administration, which is usually so quick to cry "Terra'," not be using these events as excuses to further eviscerate the Constitution? Are they incompetent? Or is it for a reason?
The obvious answer is that the whole terrorism thing is one big dog and pony show, with the neocons and the Bush Crime Family using the fear it generates to ride herd on the American public. Alternatively, it may be a deliberate act of misdirection that the Minneapolis bridge collapse is being presented to the public as ABT. This event may very well have been a dry run for future acts of terrorism by somebody -- a theory oddly unexplored.
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