A Pox on All Their Houses

Well, well-well, well, well. Seems that Tony Snowjob, the official public mouthpiece for lies and deception coming out of the White House and long-time member of the Bush Crime Family, has announced that he must leave his $168,000 a year job because of financial difficulties. "I will not be able to make it to the end of this administration, just financially," Snow said on Friday.
Less sympathetic Page A-26 could not be. First of all, most of America would be living the high-high life if they made $168K a year. For a Republican celebrity to be whining about money issues is extremely insulting to the rest of America that has to scrape and scrimp by on considerably less. (In 2004, the median household income in the United States was $43,389.)
So much for sacrificing one's own fortunes for a couple of years to serve country and the common good as a public official.
Do not shed a single tear for Tony Snow. He's been in the job for little more than a year. Before that he was a TV personality and Republican stooge (well, he's still a Republican stooge and TV personality, just not officially for Fox News any more) making millions of dollars.
So where did all that money go in just two years? Main Stream Media (MSM) reporting of Snow's announcement didn't even have the balls to proffer a guess.
Page A-26 knows exactly where the money went, and Americans should be furious. The money went to pay for medical bills related to Snow's recent recurrence of colon cancer.
Americans should be furious at the price of health care in this country, but that's only an underlying outrage in this particular case. The outrage here is that Snow, a card-carrying member of the vast conservative Republican right-wing conspiracy, a man who made his reputation and fortune villainizing progressive ideas like socialized health care, can just quit his government job and go make millions on the lecture circuit to pay for his continuing cancer treatment.
No wonder he and his fellow Republican millionaires don't give a crap about the ridiculous price and state of health care in this country -- it doesn't affect them! If you're rich, it's a non-issue.
Americans should be further outraged that Snow and the MSM are clearly avoiding any discussion of why Snow needs money. The news reports mention that he needs money, but not why. Why? Why wouldn't they mention why he is so broke?
Because it would reveal that not even somebody making $168 grand a year can afford health care, and that in turn would strike a serious blow against the conservative/Republican position on the topic. It may even cause people to start questioning whether the cozy relationship between the Bush Crime Family corporatists and the insurance companies may actually have something to do with the sad state of health care in this country. The next thing you know, Americans are electing Hillary Clinton for president and clamoring for health care reform. And that will eat into the corporate and personal profits of the Bush Crime Family and their corporatist allies, and that cannot be allowed to happen.
This is even more infuriating given President Bushmill's recent, disgustingly flip and either uncaring or uninformed comment about Americans' access to health care. In his typically ham handed way, Bush recently had this explanation for why he is going to veto a measure passed by both houses of congress to increase funding for the federal Children's Health Insurance Program:
"People have access to health care in America," he told an audience in Cleveland. "After all, you just go to an emergency room."
Pretty much says it all. If you ever had a doubt that the Bush Crime Family and its cohorts don't get it, don't want to get it, and don't' want you to have it, it's an idiotic comment like this (reminds Page A-26 of Poppy Bush's illuminating moment with the barcode scanner at the grocery store in 1992).So good riddance to Tony Snow. He doesn't care about us, so why should we care about him. Next fall, just remember how quickly he abandoned the noble role of public servant when the devil came knocking on his door. Will he and his good friend Bushmill have compassion for uninsured kids with cancer when it comes time to vote on that children's heath care legislation? Or when Democrats try to get socialized medicine in the country so that everybody and not just the millionaires can have access to reasonable, affordable health care? Yeah, right.
One last word on Snow's announcement Friday: thanks for nothing MSM. Once again, they just let the real reasons behind the public actions go unquestioned and unreported, showing less curiosity than Bushmill in a bookstore. A pox on their houses, too.
Labels: Bush, Bush Crime Family, corporatists, health care, Main Stream Media, Tony Snow
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Well, you can't say you weren't warned.
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