The Cowardly Donkeys

Why are the Democrats so afraid of being labeled soft on terrorism? Don't they know that it doesn't matter what they do to appease Cheney, Bush, Bill Kristol, and the rest of the neocon fascists, any future terrorist attack -- even the inside jobs -- will be blamed on the Democrats.
Under "pressure" from the White House, the valiant, upstart Democratic congress went ahead and did the Republicans bidding for them again by passing an update to FISA. This after just finding out on Wednesday that they still don't know the parameters of the original illegal NSA domestic spying program. They just don't get it. When the Democrats in Congress vote for legislation like the gas they passed on Friday, then Ann Coulter and her ilk are, in fact, accurate when they call the Democrats cowards.
By Tom Sawyer-ing the Jackasses into passing the FISA free-for-all, the Republicans have effectively taken warrantless domestic spying in particular and civil rights in general off the table for Democrats in 2008. The Dems are now totally complicit on domestic spying, the war on terror, and the ever-accelerating demise of this country.
They're going to get blamed anyway, so the Democrats might as well start doing the right thing instead of the right-wing thing.
Gravel in 2008, bay-bee!
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